Exploring JS: JavaScript books for programmers
JavaScript for impatient programmers (ES1–ES2018) New A modern guide to the language No required knowledge (apart from programming) More compact than my other books, which go into more detail
Exploring ES6: Upgrade to the next version of JavaScript
Exploring ES6 A book by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer (more books) (Cover by Fran Caye) About the book Exploring ES6 … Is the most comprehensive book on ECMAScript 6 (ECMAScript 2015). Is a book for people who already know JavaScript. If you are a programmer and wa
25. Promises for asynchronous programming
25. Promises for asynchronous programming This chapter is an introduction to asynchronous programming via Promises in general and the ECMAScript 6 Promise API in particular. The previous chapter explains the foundations of asynchronous programming in JavaS