- 너무 느림
The key word ILIKE can be used instead of LIKE to make the match case-insensitive according to the active locale. This is not in the SQL standard but is a PostgreSQL extension.
The operator ~~ is equivalent to LIKE, and ~~* corresponds to ILIKE. There are also !~~ and !~~* operators that represent NOT LIKE and NOT ILIKE, respectively. All of these operators are PostgreSQL-specific.
해결 방안 모색중
- 기존 쿼리
@Query(value = "select * from expedia_region_union where (region_name_full ILIKE '%' || :whatEverRegionName || '%' or region_name_full_kr ILIKE '%' || :whatEverRegionName || '%') ORDER BY region_id ASC limit :limitValue offset :offsetValue", nativeQuery = true)
List<ExpediaRegionUnion> findByRegionNameFullOrRegionNameFullKrWithoutType(@Param("whatEverRegionName") String whatEverRegionName,
@Param("limitValue") int limitValue,
@Param("offsetValue") int offsetValue);
@Query(value = "select count(*) from expedia_region_union where region_type = :regionType and (region_name_full ILIKE '%' || :whatEverRegionName || '%' or region_name_full_kr ILIKE '%' || :whatEverRegionName || '%')", nativeQuery = true)
Long findByRegionNameFullOrRegionNameFullKrCnt(@Param("whatEverRegionName") String whatEverRegionName,
@Param("regionType") String regionType);
@Query(value = "select count(*) from expedia_region_union where (region_name_full ILIKE '%' || :whatEverRegionName || '%' or region_name_full_kr ILIKE '%' || :whatEverRegionName || '%')", nativeQuery = true)
Long findByRegionNameFullOrRegionNameFullKrCntWithoutType(@Param("whatEverRegionName") String whatEverRegionName);
- 내 경우엔 대소문자 구별하여 검색 할 필요없음.
- lower() 연산자로 다 소문자로 만들어서 검색하기로 하고 그에 맞게 인덱스를 생성.
--create 인덱스이름 on 테이블 ((lower(컬럼이름)));
create index idx_lower_region_name_full_kr on expedia_region_union ((lower(region_name_full_kr)));
-> 인덱스생성으로 빨라졌음(기분탓인가?!!!!!!!!)
--create index idx_lower_region_name_full_kr on expedia_region_union ((lower(region_name_full_kr)));
--create index idx_lower_region_name_full_region_type on expedia_region_union ((lower(region_name_full)),(lower(region_type)));
create index idx_lower_region_name_full_n_kr_region_type on expedia_region_union ((lower(region_name_full)),(lower(region_name_full_kr)), (lower(region_type)));
습득 지식
- 얼마나 빨라졌는지를 체크할 수 있도록 항상 맨 처음 문제 상태를 수치로 기록하자
참고 링크
- 아래와 같다.
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