카테고리 없음
elastiesearch with multiple condition
2020. 2. 19. 18:30
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": [
"bool": {
"should": [
"term": {
"region_type": "city"
"wildcard": {
"region_name": "*seoul*"
- https://stackoverflow.com/a/40755927/10194999
elasticsearch bool query combine must with OR
I am currently trying to migrate a solr-based application to elasticsearch. I have this lucene query (( name:(+foo +bar) OR info:(+foo +bar) )) AND state:(1) AND (has_image:(0) OR has_...
- https://discuss.elastic.co/t/filtered-wildcard-query/143259/4
Filtered wildcard query
That's why I'd encourage you looking at ngrams instead. You'll pay the price at index time (disk space wise and index time) but don't pay it at search time. Did you try my query proposal? Could you also try this one? GET index/_search { "query": { "bool":
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